Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Visit to a Classroom

Dr. Laurie Connell went to visit Mrs. Worden's fourth grade class at the Miles Lane School in Bucksport, Maine to talk to the class about studying yeast in Antarctica. This is the photo and letter we received back from the class. Looks like it was a fun day for everyone! Thanks for having Dr. Connell come visit!

Dr. Laurie Connell with Mrs. Worden's fourth grade class at the Mile's Lane School in Bucksport, ME

February 2, 2012

Dr. Laurie Connell, a research scientist from the University of Maine, came into Mrs. Worden’s fourth grade classroom to explain about her studies in Antarctica.  She brought us each a crystal from a volcano in Antarctica called Mount Erebus.  You can only get this type of crystal on this specific volcano!  She also brought in pictures that showed her adventures and studies in Antarctica.  She was studying microbes or micro-organisms that eat rocks!  Cool, huh?  She gave our class a flag that showed a microbe eating a rock.  Dr. Connell also signed with her team’s number!  We loved her visit and hope we can find out more about Antarctica!

-Mrs. Worden's Fourth Grade
 Miles Lane School                  
Bucksport, ME                       

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