About Us

Hello and welcome!
Chances are, if you're reading this you are new to our blog and are wondering "Who are these crazy people and what do they do?"

Pictured: Crazy people

We are a group of scientists who study the Antarctic, more specifically the fungi that live in the soils there.


We collect soil samples from the Antarctic and take them back to our lab in Maine. There we analyze the soil samples and identify the microorganisms inside of them. We are also developing a new technique that will make the identification of fungi faster and cheaper!

Why do we study Antarctic fungi? 
Excellent question. The Antarctic is a very harsh climate. It is very cold, very dry, and has very little nutrients.

Not to mention continent eating monsters. 

Yet there are some Fungi that thrive in these conditions. These organisms have developed some incredible adaptations. For example, many of the fungi have developed the ability to eat rocks, and get all the nutrients they need from them. Our goal, is to study these organisms and learn what it is that lets them survive so well.